Electric quilt lessons
Electric quilt lessons


If that doesn't work, please e-mail me so I can help research the problem. Or if you have a gmail account, the Promotions folder. What if I didn't receive one of the e-mails? Most of the time these may be located in spam or junk folders.


How will I access the videos? The daily e-mails will contain links to the videos plus any added instructions for completing that day's assignment. However, if you are thinking of purchasing EQ8 this class will assist you in seeing some of the benefits of upgrading. What if I have EQ Mini? This class is not targeted for EQ Mini Users. You can also save the emails (with links to the videos) and go through them again once you have purchased EQ8. What if I have EQ7 or EQ Stitch? The class and videos are not targeted for older versions of Electric Quilt. Both should be able to successfully complete the project using the instructions in the videos. Although patchwork can be traced as far back as the early 1700s cloth was a commodity too precious to waste and almost every quilt for common use. The earliest American quilts were made from imported cloth used for broderie perse and whole cloth quilts.


Just install Electric Quilt 8 software on your computer and register it and you are good to participate.Īre there any pre-requisites for the class? Y ou should be familiar with your computer or have access to someone that can help with basic computer questions.ĭoes it matter if I am on a MAC versus PC? No Electric Quilt looks essentially the same for both PC and MAC users. Necessity is the mother of invention, and patchwork quilts are no exception.

electric quilt lessons

What level is this class targeted toward? Newbie/Beginner to Electric Quilt 8. The goal is to get through each step successfully and develop the confidence to begin working on the quilt of your dreams.Īnd best of all you will now be a regular user of Electric Quilt 8. By the time you have watched the videos and completed the tasks, you will have successfully designed a quilt using Electric Quilt 8 software.The goal is to watch the videos and replicate the tasks in your own project.But don’t worry – most of these videos are under five minutes. The video will provide you with step by step instructions to draft some part of an Electric Quilt 8 project. Each class email will provide you with a link to a short video you can watch online.The private link in the email is how you will have continuous access to the videos.

electric quilt lessons

Then you can always come back an refer to them at any time.

electric quilt lessons

Best practice is to go ahead a create an email folder just for the Shoot for the Stars class emails. You will receive your class emails to your inbox on every Monday Wednesday and Friday over the next month.In the group you are welcome to post comments, converse with other students about the class and ask questions. Only people who have purchased Shoot for the Stars with EQ8 will have access to this group. This email will include an invitation to a private Facebook group. You will receive a welcome email within 24 hours.

Electric quilt lessons