Wtf clan modern warfare call of duty
Wtf clan modern warfare call of duty

He is shot by Price and was presumed to be dead. As they crawl through the countryside in ghillie suits, silently sniping enemy patrols or letting them go, they reach an abandoned hotel where they get a clear view of Zakhaev exchanging nuclear rods for weapons. Their target is Zakhaev, then a rich Ultranationalist and arms dealer. There is then a flashback mission where Captain MacMillian, a sniper team leader, and Price, then a Lieutenant, are sent in to the first assassination mission issued by the British government since World War II. When it is found out that Zakhaev is supplying Al-Asad, Price executes Al-Asad. In Act 2, Price's SAS team is tasked with finding and capturing Al-Asad in his safeouse in Azerbaijan. Griggs was not present during the detonation. They rescue the pilot, but a Nuclear Weapon Is Detonated, killing Jackson, Vasquez and 30,000 other servicemen. However, as they pull out, their escort Cobra, callsign "Deadly" is shot down. The squad are then assigned to rescue a stranded advanced team. Jackson is assigned to the Mk 19 on the Sea Knight, providing covering fire to ground forces. Their efforts culminate in a massive assault upon the capital city. They are then extracted by a CH-46 Sea Knight. They escort War Pig through a town swarming with OpFor, back to the highway. They then rescue a stranded Abrams Tank callsign "War Pig" in a bog under heavy enemy OpFor(Opposing Forces) fire. They first attack a television studio where they believe Al-Asad is broadcasting, but it turns out to be a recording. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Sergeant Paul Jackson, Lieutenant Vasquez and Staff Sergeant Griggs fight their way into the country Al-Fulani was executed in. Later on, the player takes control of the gunner of an AC-130H Spectre gunship that provides fire support for Captain Price and the surviving SAS members. While escaping with Nikolai, their helicopter is shot down, and they then flee from Ultranationalist search teams. They are supported by Russian Loyalists led by Sgt. In Act 1, MacTavish, Captain Price and Gaz Rescue a Russian Informant, code-name "Nikolai". Players then switch roles with President Yasir Al-Fulani of an unnamed Middle Eastern country that borders Saudi Arabia and the Red Sea, as he is executed by Al-Asad. The ship is subsequently attacked by MiG's, with the SAS team barely escaping from the sinking ship.

wtf clan modern warfare call of duty

In the cargo hold, the SAS team finds a nuclear warhead draped in a flag with Arabic writing. The player will then proceed on a mission to intercept the real cargo ship in the Bering Strait alongside Captain Price and Gaz (with several other minor SAS characters).

wtf clan modern warfare call of duty

#Wtf clan modern warfare call of duty trial

The players will meet the members of the SAS squad and go through a basic tutorial of the game play, which includes a basic shooting range and a time trial in a mock cargo ship set up. In the Prologue levels, players take the role of Sergeant "Soap" MacTavish in his inititiation into the SAS. Zakhaev knows the United States of America would never allow this to happen, thus he funds a coup in the Middle East, organized by his ally Khaled Al-Asad, to draw global attention to the Middle East instead of Russia. In 2011, a Russian Ultranationalist by the name of Imran Zakheav is determined to return his homeland to Soviet rule.

Wtf clan modern warfare call of duty